Green Aviation Research & Gulfstream Aerospace Experience | ft. Ameya Behere
GeorgiaTech graduate student, Ameya Behere talks about his experiences at IIT Bombay, internships at Gulfstream Aerospace and Green Aviation Research.
Aerospace Engineering is a field dealing with objects which fly in the air or go to space. An AE student studying both and generally chooses a subsystem and specialization to focus. An internship is one of the critical milestones which helps in this decision. Gulfstream Aerospace is one of the minimal companies providing industry experience to Aerospace Students. Today, we have my mentor and friend, a graduate student at Georgia Tech, Ameya Behere to share his experiences in the field of green aviation.
So let us dive into today's Monday Mentoring and Space Talks article.
What has been your journey up till joining IIT? Especially, How you got interested in Aerospace?
Brought up in a family of engineers, I was always attracted to science and math in my school days. I had a particular fascination with aircraft, something about the gracefulness with which aircraft flew captivated me. While learning fundamental physics during JEE prep, I started to realize just how complicated even a simple twin-seater aircraft is, and my appreciation for the aviation industry was amplified. I also feel that AE is all about pushing the frontiers of engineering -- whether it be building the next-gen fuel-efficient aircraft, or a new spacecraft which enables new space missions. That's what engineering is all about for me -- using science and technology for the benefit of humankind.
How was your journey at IIT Bombay? Were those expectations fulfilled?
Most definitely. As I already knew I wanted to be in AE, I was very happy to have been admitted into the IITB-AE program. All the Professors were very knowledgeable, and I enjoyed every class. I feel some of the lab courses could be better; some of the experiments were quite difficult to relate to the theoretical coursework. I also really appreciate how supportive the faculty were; they were always available to advise whenever I needed it. IITB-AE set me up very well for my higher studies.
You interned at the Gulfstream Aerospace twice, what was your job profile?
My two internships at Gulfstream were 3 years apart, the first was during IIT years, and the other during my MS at Georgia Tech. My first internship was in their manufacturing facility for the G650 aircraft. Although I can't say I had any prior experience for that internship, it was a great experience working at a production facility and observing up close the complete process of aircraft manufacture. We learn about aircraft design theory as our capstone AE course in undergrad, but there's so much more than happens downstream of that design. That first intern gave me that exposure and appreciation, which I'm grateful for. It's a facet of AE which many AE graduates probably never get to experience.
My second intern at Gulfstream was at the Acoustics division, working on noise certification for the G500 which was under testing and certification at that time. A large part of my intern was developing tools to assist in the noise certification test flights, and I also got the opportunity to go to the actual test site for fieldwork as well.
Masters and PhD experiences at Georgia Tech. Specifically, what is your field of study? and What are you currently working on?
Currently, I'm at Georgia Tech for an MS in CSE and PhD in AE. My primary area of research is in the environmental effects of civil aviation, particular noise mitigation. I've worked on projects under the ASCENT program, which is a Center of Excellence for Alternative Jet Fuels and Environment. I'm working on new methods to improve conventional noise modelling tools, and on optimization of flight trajectories to reduce their environmental impact (green aviation).
We can't always control the hand we're dealt, but we can try to play the hand optimally.
Ameya Behere on a Key Takeaway for Recent Graduates
Future plans and a key takeaway for recent aerospace graduates.
Right now, I'm focused on my PhD work and hopefully graduating in another year. With the current Covid-19 situation, it's hard to make any kind of definitive plan as it is impossible to predict what the aerospace industry will look like even a few months into the future. After graduation, I'd like to work in a research role, either at a government entity or in industry.
For recent graduates, congratulations! No matter where you're headed now, try to make the best of your opportunities. Even though you may not realize it now, IITB has equipped you with the skills needed to succeed in whatever you do (there's always more things to learn though). We can't always control the hand we're dealt, but we can try to play the hand optimally. Life speeds by once you're settled into your new routine, make an effort to stay in touch with the friends you made on campus!
Thank You Ameya Behere for finding the time
Name: Ameya Behere
Currently: Graduate Student at Georgia Institute of Technology pursuing Green Aviation Research
Work Experience: Gulfstream Aerospace Internships and FAA Tech Center Internship
Earlier Education: IIT Bombay